Originally hailing from New York City, Garrett grew up both as a theater kid and aspiring inventor. His combined interest in music, theater and technology led him to attend Harvard University and MIT to study Industrial Design & Engineering and Music and Theater.

After moving to Los Angeles, he began his career in entertainment at Walt Disney Imagineering on the creative team for Disney’s nighttime spectaculars around the world. Working on over 10 shows, he learned how to design and produce large-scale multimedia experiences in many different cultural, business, and operational environments.

In his current role as Creative Director, Garrett oversees the design and production of attractions, parades, and shows for Walt Disney Imagineering. Currently based in Asia, Garrett works on projects at Tokyo Disney Resort, Shanghai Disney Resort, and Hong Kong Disney Resort.

Disney Parks have always been at the center of Garrett’s life; from a young age, they captured his imagination and inspiration. Outside of his work in themed entertainment, he is an avid jazz drummer, bachata dancer, and entrepreneur in the technology and fashion industries.